Fed up with GST, people give in and say the gov't just needs some money
From Malaysia Today:
Sabri was philosophical about the GST, saying: "Just give some to the government. Tomorrow when our government has become wealthy, they will give back to us. We have to sacrifice a bit; we help our government who is now in need. Tomorrow when they are more comfortable, they will help us back."Echoing the sentiment was Ishah, 67, who believed that in order for the country to progress, the people had to face some difficulties at the beginning."I am for GST if we want to progress. Only certain unlucky people, and younger people have to suffer a bit."If we want to progress we have to suffer a little bit. As time goes by, people will adapt. We want a developed country, we have to sacrifice."
Unfortunately these traders are rationalizing their loss in income. The sad truth is, we need to keep money from the government as they tend to waste it and transfer the money to certain people's coffers.
We have the government financing purchases of new planes for goodness knows what. They are still doing the 1MDB funny business, and finally we have the SRC International which is basically taking our retirement money and giving it to the ministry of finance to play around with.
The whole Fly Mojo business reeks of hanky panky commissions. Why do we finance forays into the horrible airline industry? All this is happening when we are in the midst of implementing the GST.
If the government shows some credibility, yes GST is alright. People will pay and not be angry about it. Unfortunately it's not the case.
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