Sunday, July 25, 2010

Subsidy Lifting plays

If you want to get in the subsidy reduction play, companies like Petronas daganan, Shell, PLUS, Petronas Gas, Tradewinds, Tenaga are all ways to play the subsidy lifting scheme. When subsidies get lifted, inventories that the companies hold are now worth a lot more at market value. Not only that, future revenue will come in higher, which in turn creates chances for higher profits.

Certain names like Petronas Gas, Plus pay more of a dividend while people with more stomach for risk would certainly want a Tenaga or Tradewinds. A Petronas Daganan or Shell would certainly be a middle ground.

Sugar shortage news is bullish for sugar refiner Tradewinds. The market didn't trade up on the news, though. When the government lifted the sugar subsidy greater than expected, Tradewinds started to take off.


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