Sunday, September 2, 2018

Changing Malaysia governments, not for the weak heart. 4 reasons.

Changing government in Malaysia had to be done.  There is no doubt.  It is a question of short term pain for long term gain. 

The root of all evil is generally corruption in this day of age.  Already corruption is being dealt with by virtue that the most corrupt party in Malaysia's history is out. 

Unfortunately, these will be trying times for Malaysia. 

1.  Pakatan Harapan is not the savior for Malaysia.  Not at the moment.

Unfortunately a lot of people will end up dissapointed that PH government may not have a good reign.  So far I've not seen much from PH that indicates a competent government.

Right now they are busy cleaning all of BN's skeletons in the closet.  But there will come a time where people need to look at as a government, are they performing.  So far, i've not seen anything that leads me to believe that they possess the true inner character to lead a nation into the future.

2. PM Mahathir clings to ideas that have "worked" for him in the past...In his view

I think it is very naive to think we will get a different and smarter Dr. M the second time around.  I think we just pray that he doesn't do too much damage to Malaysia as he is a bit older. 

At least now we have a more outspoken PH that will somehow check Dr. M and his not well thought out ambitions for the country.  It used to be in BN, no one would counter check Dr. M.

3.  PM Mahathir has too many goals in his short tenure

I'm surprised that DR. M wants to do so much.  If you ask me, he lacks long term thinking.  He falls into the problem of the leader that thinks he will be around forever.  He won't be.

Sometimes this happens to very smart people.  Smart people think they can do everything, but lack the vision of what he wants to accomplish for generations.  PM Mahathir needs to set in motion checks and balances. 

If he wants to have a lasting impact for generations, he needs to focus on legislation reforms and how best to position Malaysia so a 1MDB never happens again.

If this task is too big, he should probably step down.  PH has only 5 years to which to prove they are worthy of another victory at the polls.  IF Dr. M is in power for 2 years that means only 3 years for the next PM to prove his worth.

I used to think that Dr. M's goal for running in the opposition is to realise he has horrible judgement of successors and Dr. M wanted to put things right in a new system that protects Malaysia from these psychos.  Unfortunately that goal is not evident.  I guess when you are 90, all you can think about is being old and bitter and not what you did wrong.

4.  We need to remind PH don't fall into the Dr. M trap

I think that PH is kind of falling into the trap of don't question Dr. M.  I respect the PKR rep Rafizi for speaking his mind even if he can be a dumbass.  He at times, voices his opinions and objections to party politics quite randomly.  I sometimes too question what he is thinking when he objects to certain things publicly.  Does he just want to make noise?

However, he at least sees that Dr. M isn't what PH needs long term.

Don't follow DR. M.  He is not the gold standard.  He's the old standard.  He's smart, he's capable, but he's not your cup of tea. 


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