With Dr. M clearly the biggest ally in taking down Najib, Both PKR and DAP seem to somewhat feel at ease.
I've already mentioned problems with Anwar led PKR and DAP. If they want to grow as a party they need to start with the fundamentals. Fundamentals will get the party more "sticky" supporters and not short term support.
1. They need to be principled and not resort to chidish BN and pre-anwar tactics. Politics isn't a short term game. It lasts decades.
2. Invest in campaigning in winnable rural areas in Malaysia. Most PKR people won't get out of their cities to do the real work, winning the rural vote. Presence is key.
3. DAP needs to come up with a better "non-corrupt slogan, clean and transparent" that they have been campaigning under. It doesn't relate to humans at all. How about fair and progressive. Something people can attach feelings too.
4. Relate their plight to the rural people. Persecution of the opposition is a real problem. People understand whether they are on BN or the opposition side. BN are shooting themselves in the foot. Explain this to people and they will understand.
5. Cut losses with PAS unless a moderate leader wins the party leadership. Nik Aziz was the glue, but with him gone, the right wing candidates have taken control. Support his son, to rise from the ranks, but as of now he's not in power, just cut your losses. Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
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