Thursday, June 18, 2009

Checking out US CPI data

First, I'd like to note that energy and transport prices have more or less settled. But transport can be viewed as a derivative of energy prices since the main cost in transport is energy. So basically, energy prices have seemed to stop dropping. It's a good thing, so we will have inflation in the future right? I mean, it looks like all commodity related prices have hit bottom. It's seems so to me.

Wrong! Look at housing! that hasn't dropped at all! It's dropped the least of all the categories for the last 3 months. Last I checked, prices of houses in the US have dropped some 50%. The prices Americans spend on housing/rent will surely follow once people realize that there are other places out there that rent a lot cheaper than their current mortgages and rentals. Housing seems to be like a semi truck, slow to move but once moving, it will be very hard to stop.


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