Saturday, May 15, 2010

75000 S&P futures seller found

Looks like they found the culprit. If you can't find it here, try zerohedge. A trader selling 75000 E mini futures. 75000 *50 *1150 = $ 4,312,500,000. It appears they found some counter party to then take the other side and sell short sell 4.3 billion dollars of S&P stock. That may be enough to do it.

It's a bit ridiculous. Anyways, you heard it here first how leverage can absolutely wreck the market. The truth is, if someone wants to sell the futures, how can it be manipulation? There's no limit on how many futures one can sell in one go, although the authorities maybe should put limits. Remember though, that if there is a huge unwinding of leverage from liquidity being drained, there's not much one can do.


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